1. 网口硬件方案:
AT91SAM9G10 + DM9000CEP;
2. DM9000CEP硬件接口(略)。
3. DM9000CEP寄存器。
1) EPCR:EEPROm&PHY Control Register.
2) EPAR : EEPROM & PHY Address Register.
3) EPDRL: EEPROM & PHY Low Byte Data Register.
4) EPDRH: EEPROM & PHY High Byte Data Register.
此外注意:CSRs中包含MAC地址寄存器:PAR:Physical Address Register.
4. DM9000CEP数据交互。
There are only two addressing ports through the access of the host interface.
One port is the INDEX port and the other is the DATA port.
The INDEX port is decoded by the pin CMD =0 and the DATA port by the pin CMD =1.
The contents of the INDEX port are the register address of the DATA port.
Before the access of any register, the address of the register must be saved in the INDEX port.
数据(DATA port)或地址(INDEX port)都是通过8位或16位数据总线访问,
即操作地址总线,同时操作数据总线。如选择A2为CMD控制线,访问DATA port,
地址为0x30000004,访问INDEX port,地址为0x30000000。
#define DM9000_IO CONFIG_DM9000_BASE //0x30000000 ;INDEX port
#define DM9000_DATA (CONFIG_DM9000_BASE + 0x04) //0x30000004 ;DATA port.
5. 数据收发。
The internal memory size is 16K bytes. The first location of 3K bytes is used for the data buffer of the
packet transmission. The other 13K bytes are used for the buffer of the receiving packets. So in the writememory operation, when the bit 7 of IMR is set, the memory address increment will wrap to location 0 ifthe end of address (i.e. 3K) is reached. In a similar way, in the read memory operation, when the bit 7 ofIMR is set, the memory address increment will wrap to location 0x0C00 if the end of address (i.e. 16K) isreached.数据发送:两包数据循环发送。
There are two packets, sequentially named as index I and index II, can be stored in the TX SRAM at thesame time. The index register 02h controls the insertion of CRC and pads. Their statuses arerecorded at index registers 03h and 04h respectively The start address of transmission is 00h and thecurrent packet is index I after software or hardware reset. Firstly write data to the TX SRAM using theDMA port and then write the byte count to byte_ count register at index register 0fch and 0fdh. Set the bit 1 ofcontrol register. The DM9000C starts to transmit the index I packet. Before the transmission of the index Ipacket ends, the data of the next (index II) packet can be moved to TX SRAM. After the index I packet endsthe transmission, write the byte count data of the Index II to BYTE_COUNT register and then set the bit1 of control register to transmit the index II packet. The following packets, named index I, II, I, II,..., usethe same way to be transmitted.数据接收:循环发送
The RX SRAM is a ring data structure. The start address of RX SRAM is 0C00h after software or
hardware reset. Each packet has a 4-byte header followed with the data of the reception packet whichCRC field is included. The format of the 4-byte header is 01h, status, BYTE_COUNT low andBYTE_COUNT high. It is noted that the start address of each packet is in the proper address boundarywhich depends on the operation mode (the 8-bit or 16-bit ).